Year 8 Hydrological Cycle

You coped really well today with the difficult words and ideas we introduced. Remember I have given you a choice for your homework. You should complete it on paper and you can use a computer (no cutting and pasting from websites though - your own work please).
You can either draw a cartoon to illustrate the journey that Walter Droplet takes as he travels through the water cycle, or write an extended piece of writing describing the water cycle (including a diagram). Remember the success criteria we discussed in lessons!
Below are some links you should use to help you.
Go interactive! Try this page to see if you understood the lesson.
This page has a good diagram of the water cycle.
Want some more activities? Look here
Why not play Droplet and the Water Cycle to give you some ideas?
This page has an excellent glossary of words we will use in the Rivers Unit.
Labels: Year 7
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