Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Yeah baby! Year 10

Below you will find links to the articles we used in today's Directed Reading Groupwork Task. (All from BBC website)

A reminder of the syllabus ideas we are currently covering:

"Describe the problems associated with the growth of the world's population and show an understanding of the causes and consequences of over-population.''
''Understand the link between population and resources.''
''Discuss the ways in which population growth can be controlled (reduced poverty, improved health care, better education, improved role of women, family planing etc).''
''How have LEDC Governments responded to an increase in birth rate?''
Feel free to print them off, cut and paste or just re-read them. Remember I have tried to make them region specific to us.
Remember this is only half the story and there are other, more positive views of population growth.
Anyone who finds and brings me a similarly relevant article on the issues of global population will get a merit and a sticker.
How do you feel about this idea: How ethical is my baby
