Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Year 8 Living Space revision

In preparation for the test you will find it useful to consider the following questions and pieces of advice:

What skills will I be expected to complete in the exam?
Drawing and interpreting a range of graphs.
Using photographs to write about places and urban issues.
Structuring longer pieces of extended writing to answer a specific question.
What topic areas do I need to know about?
Urban areas in MEDCs and LEDCs, migration and shanty towns, sustainability, internet shopping and its impact on the urban area.
Key words you should be able to use (see you glossary if you are unsure):
Barrio, CBD, city, informal job, informal settlement, rural-to-urban migration, urbanisation, urban sprawl, sustainability, mega-city, shanty town.

Also why not look at the following animation on shanty towns it was produced by other students
http://www.sln.org.uk/geography/geoweb/ click on the volcano (blow me down) and then on 'future favelas'
