Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Multiple Intelligences activity

You have got Mrs Wilson to thank for this homework (she showed me this website).
As discussed in class this homework has a number of aims behind it.
1) To make your geography book more distinguishable from the rest of your books - you will be better organised as a result.
2) To make your book stand out as yours (include a photograph of yourself on it).
3) To allow you time to consider your preferred learning style. Useful for all your subjects and other areas outside school.
Follow the instructions below:
1) Firstly read about multiple intelligences on the boffin squad website, it also explains what the quiz is about.
2) Now take the quiz (40 very quick questions, but take time to consider them), on this part of the 'boffin Squad' website - just follow the on-screen instructions.
3) When you have clicked ''finished (woohoo!)'', you will be shown a graph of your preferred intelligence. Follow the instructions to change the graph into rank order (click 'hot-to-cold').
4) Print this graph (click 'print' to open it in another window). It is a good idea to save you unique number as this will allow you to compare yourself to others. Does the description sound like you? Glue this graph to the front of your book.
5) Are you ''word smart, self smart, picture smart, body smart, people smart, logic smart, music smart or nature smart?'' Consider printing out the description of your preferred intelligence and sticking this to your exercise book - does it sound like you?
6) There are lots of other things you can do now, like looking at ''making the most of your preferred intelligence'' or ''finding out the jobs you might enjoy when you are older'' Just follow the links on the website.
We will discuss this in your next lesson.


Creating Your Model City - Year 8 WORK IN PROGRESS

In the last few lessons we have been looking at the problems that face many cities in both developed and developing worlds. You have an extended series of homeworks to complete the following tasks:
1) Create a model/map of your perfect city - look here for my help sheet which also includes the success criteria.
2) Produce a poster that advertises your city and would make people want to live here again look at the advice and success criteria.
3) Give a 1 minute presentation on your city.

We have talked about this homework a lot and I have kept on using the idea of sustainability. Most of you seem to be coping with it, but you might want to read the following links for a wider perspective. Remember the skills we said you would need to use when gathering information from the internet!
An excellent starting point is the Global Eye website. This looks at many of the ideas we have been covering.
Making the modern world looks at Curitiba in Brazil and the attempts to make it sustainable. Want to know more about Curitiba? Then look at this website for some ideas or this one which is quite easy
I like the Tate Modern Global Cities Exhibition which has some interesting ideas about urban areas.
The video ''Cities in a Changing World'' on the same site does not offer any solutions, but does set the scene with some super facts and searching questions. Nice backing track as well! Look at the 'speed' section for an idea of the Highway Parks of Istanbul.
This is interesting!


Sunday, September 09, 2007

Year 9 Development Project

Your extended homework is posted here. Remember to focus on the success criteria. Useful links are below:
A good starting point is Global Eye. This is an online magazine with loads of interactive stuff and aimed at you in terms of the language it uses. Specific items you might find useful are the issue on Malaysia (which has some good information on the economy). Uganda is also covered here.
If you need to understand the broader issues then Human Development report is the place for you. Or are you after facts, then try the CIA Factbook.
Want a discussion of some of the issues try globalissues.org (we will use this later when we look at causes of poverty and under-development)
Why not take a test to help you understand - BBC bitesize


Friday, September 07, 2007

Geography biography - Year 7

This week we have been looking at what geography means to us. I have asked you to complete a geography biography. Below you will find some links to useful websites for your research. Attached here you will find a file you can download that outlines the sorts of information to gather and what I think a good answer will contain. Remember you are just gathering information and I am going to give you time in the lesson to write a first draft of this.