Friday, April 18, 2008

Coastal homework for 8B at Mulberry School for Girls.

Follow the links to some activities that you will find helpful as a follow up to today's lesson. I would like to see evidence that you have visited my site and tried to improve the knowledge that you gained in the lesson. Remember the key words we used today were: stack, stump, arch, headland, bays, beach, cave, erosion, deposition, transportation, industry, abrasion, corrosion, hydraulic action, attrition.

Red homework - What am I looking for? I would like to see the erosion key words (erosion, corrosion, hydralic action, attrition), written in your books, show me that you have tried to remember them (drawings might help). You should try to learn how to spell them and what they mean. These animations might help you.

Need some more help? Click here for some definitions (look at the bottom of the page).
Ready for more? Try this for a matching the key words exercise (it is timed, so try to work it out before you begin).

Orange homework - What am I looking for? I would like to see at least 5 of the key words written in your books with the definitions. These animations will help. Here is a reminder of what some of them mean (look at the bottom of the page).
I would also like you to draw a labelled diagram to show how headlands are eroded. Need some help? Then try here for some ideas.

Green homework - what am I looking for? I would like to see a labelled diagram to show how headlands are eroded. Try to use the key words (there is an actvity here). Here is a page that will give you some ideas of what to include.
Ready for more? Why not watch the podcast of erosional landforms and write down 4 things you learn.

Friday, April 04, 2008

Year 9 - New India

As part of our first lesson ''Everything comes from India'' I asked you to gather some facts and information that could form part of our introduction to our newspaper article. Please come to next lesson with at least 8 facts. Try to think about what makes an interesting, relevant fact. I have posted some links below. When collecting your facts you should consider what might grab the reader's attention? There are some links below to help you.
Remember I also suggested that you improved our notes from the Market Place information gathering game - so look at the BBC website for the the information we used.
Woodlands Junior School in the UK have a neat India page
Want something ith a little more detail - what about wikipedia has some really interesting material.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

The Geography of dreams and (unacceptable behaviour)

Can we map our dreams and wishes, would there be a pattern to them - How are peoples' wishes different? Do they change depending on where you live in a country or the world? Does age or gender matter? What do you want? What would you change? What is acceptable and what is unacceptable? This research aims to find some basic patterns to show what people dream for and where. It will also discover what you think is most unacceptable in life and if some parts of the country/world think that kissing in public is more acceptable than others....You must be in KS3 (Years 7, 8 or 9) to take part in this research. The data will be made available to you and your school from later in the year.

So please find time to fill this form in. I hope to create some space on moodle to let you discuss your thoughts and answers.

(Thanks to Daniel Raven-Ellison and other members at the GA conference in the UK for coming up with the idea and creating the quiestionnaire)