Thursday, April 03, 2008

The Geography of dreams and (unacceptable behaviour)

Can we map our dreams and wishes, would there be a pattern to them - How are peoples' wishes different? Do they change depending on where you live in a country or the world? Does age or gender matter? What do you want? What would you change? What is acceptable and what is unacceptable? This research aims to find some basic patterns to show what people dream for and where. It will also discover what you think is most unacceptable in life and if some parts of the country/world think that kissing in public is more acceptable than others....You must be in KS3 (Years 7, 8 or 9) to take part in this research. The data will be made available to you and your school from later in the year.

So please find time to fill this form in. I hope to create some space on moodle to let you discuss your thoughts and answers.

(Thanks to Daniel Raven-Ellison and other members at the GA conference in the UK for coming up with the idea and creating the quiestionnaire)