Friday, June 29, 2007

Earth As Art Competition

This competition is open to anyone in Years 7-9. The idea is to view the earth as a piece of art and create either a ''geosquish'' or a ''Google-art-earth''. You can submit one geosquish and one Google-art-earth picture. You have the summer holidays to complete complete this. The best attempts will be displayed as part of an exhibition in the New Building Foyer, and there are some exciting prizes to be won.

How do I Geosquish?

I got the geosquish idea from here (where you can also see examples of Geosquishing just so you know what it is).

1. Take a picture of somewhere you visit this summer try to make it interesting and original. (Its important to remember to geosquish someone OR something in the picture).
2. Upload the image to Flickr Motivator tool.
3. Add a title and maybe a caption.
4. Download and save your finished product to your computer.
5. Bring your picture into school on USB or disc. Or you can email it to me at the start of September at my school email address.

Can you do better than my China-sea attempt? I imagine so!
How do I create a Google-art-earth picture?

I got this idea from from a teacher I used to work with. Cheers Noel! He found the original idea here

1. Open Google Earth (if you have it or download it) , or try using the NASA Our Earth as Art site:
2. Browse around until you find a spectacular, original image and place.
3. Make a screenshot. (Cntrl + Print Screen), or Google images allows you to do this.
4. Crop the image if necessary - you could paste it into picture-manager.
5. Again upload the image to the Flickf Motivator Tool
6. Add a geographical title and maybe a caption.
7. Download and save your finished product to your computer.
8. Bring your photograph to me at the start of September on USB or disc. Or email it to my school email at the start of September.

I created the Pendle Hill one and 'stole' the Ganges Valley image. If you can make your pictures mean something to you, you are more likely to win!

Useful resource:
Google map with some of the images on


Saturday, June 23, 2007

An Inconvenient Truth or The Day after Tomorrow?

Two bleak visions of the global climatic future. The following links might be of help to you as you work on your tasks relating to these films.

The Day After Tomorrow: Some useful images are here. The Day After Tomorrow website has some fun and interesting features. Read about the plot and criticisms of the science portrayed in the film. Could The Day After Tomorrow really happen? A serious look at climate change. Some excellent links here or try these animations.
Lots of links to some great material via An Inconvenient Truth website. More plaudits and links via a fans website.

For an alternative view, why not try looking at some of the links here

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Year 7 and 8 - Malaysia 2007 - We welcome the world.

Malaysia - truly Asia - you have heard that said before. But did you know that this year the country is celebrating tourism and 50 years of Nationhood - what does all this mean and what has been going on? In order to find out we are asking you to produce your own leaflet. See the instructions here.

Other useful links are:

Visit Malaysia 2007 - check out their poll results - do you agree?

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Report writing time

For homework I have asked you all to write your own reports. This should be done on paper, ready to hand in. The instructions and advice on how to do this are here. Copies of the review sheets are here: Year 7, Year 8, Year 9.

The connectives word mat is posted on the blog (posted Jan 2006 - have a look and print off!)

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Monday, June 11, 2007

Focus on China

China has been in the news this week. Firstly for a child labour issue and secondly for floods. What are your feelings about these two news items?
