Well blow me down - Year 8 Hurricanes
In preparation for our virtual hurricane experience, you need to do some background research. Follow the links below to answer the questions and be prepared to use these in our starter next week. We are basing our study on the The Caribbean. So as a starting point write down 5 facts about The Caribbean - these links will help
Now move on with these specific questions:
What are hurricanes?
Can you find the little rhyme that the Islanders teach their children reminding them to be ready? Can you tell when the hurricane season begins and ends?
In September 2004, Hurricane Ivan was the worst hurricane to hit Jamaica for a generation - Read the eyewitness reports on the BBC website and write down 15 words to describe the effects of a hurricane.
Watch and listen to Tim and Toby explain how hurricanes are formed.
Other link you might want to visit are: FEMA for kids,
Extra: got a hurricane named after you - find out? How are they named? When are the retired?
Labels: Year 8
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